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Our responsibility, ESG, code of conduct and guidelines

We strongly believe that technology is crucial to solving our common societal challenges. We believe in it so much that it is imprinted in our purpose - Ingenuity will save the world.

Sustainability must permeate our operations and be based on our mission, vision, values and strategy. At the foundation of our work with sustainability is being an attractive employer and a responsible business partner, an approach we have had for quite some time. This also embraces focus on developing sustainable solutions, services and products.

Important forms of support in our day-to-day operations are our business plan and management system. We use these to systematically and continuously, further develop our operations and to ensure the quality of implementation, based on the demands and expectations of our main stakeholders. The management system shall contribute to operations being governed and conducted in a planned and controlled manner, as well as activities being monitored and evaluated so as to be able to make sustainable improvements. In this way, we can effectively deal with our sustainability-related risks, while further developing our operations and creating value for our customers and the planet.

For more information, see also our see also our sustainability report Pdf, 18.5 MB. (annual and sustainability report 2023).

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct serves as an ethical guide Prevas' Code of Conduct is a compilation of rules and guidelines that form the basis of our operations and covers all employees, including Prevas' Board of Directors. The Code of Conduct serves as an ethical guide for all business relationships and, among other things, is based on the Global Compact's ten principles for sustainable business, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the ILO's Fundamental Principles. Prevas’ CEO is ultimately responsible for the Code of Conduct, which all employees sign and are expected to follow.

We do not undertake projects that are not in keeping with the company's core values or that risk violating UN principles and our own code of conduct. An annual review of the code of conduct is carried out to identify specific risks and to initiate actions.

Prevas Code of Conduct Pdf, 685.5 kB.

Social responsibility

Long-term social responsibility, integrated into our business, is not only a natural part of sustainability. It is also important because it gives us a stronger brand, prouder employees, more satisfied customers and the possibility of improved profitability.

The past few years, with the pandemic fading only to be followed by war and an energy crisis, are affecting not only individuals but also businesses, and society as a whole. Cooperation and cohesion to create stability and security are perhaps more important than ever. During the year, we have continued
with monthly donations of SEK 20,000, where all employees are encouraged to come up with suggestions for initiatives where even a small amount can make a big difference. During 2023, we have chosen to support Clowner utan gränser, the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund, Nya Kompisbyrån, the Lena Wäppling
Foundation, Neuroförbundet, Näringslivet möter förorten and the Endometriosis Association.

Long-term social responsibility is not only about creating a better world for all of us, but also about investing in your own operations. This gives us better opportunities to help, both locally and globally. Our own employees have a clear right to a safe working environment that promotes health and well-being, equality and inclusion, as well as personal and professional development.Prevas can also contribute to socially sustainable societal development by actively improving cooperation between industry and academia. For example, we participate in Tekniksprånget, offer internships and degree projects, sit on the boards of colleges and universities, and participate in research projects funded by Vinnova. We want more young people to be attracted towards careers in engineering and IT, so that they can contribute to a more sustainable future.

Environmental responsibility and climate impact

Several of the assignments that we undertake are of great importance in reducing environmental and climate impact, thus contributing to a more sustainable society. Among other things, we develop technical solutions for our customers through an environmentally conscious design process. We ensure compliance with legal requirements and that the solution leads to a reduction
in the environmental and climate impact of the product - from manufacturing, distribution, installation, use and maintenance, to the end of the product life cycle.

We will also continue to limit the impact of our own activities, so that we take our share of responsibility while strengthening our competitiveness. Our direct impact is relatively small, but that does not mean it is unimportant. Prevas' environmental policy includes minimizing pollution from travel, continuously improving our performance and striving to stay ahead of legislative and other environmental and sustainability commitments. 

Financial responsibility

Prevas contributes to creating a long-term sustainable society by increasing the pace of innovation and productivity for our customers. For almost 40 years - since 1985 - we have been helping clients grow and become more competitive. With an efficient organization, we ensure that we have the skills that are in demand. The fact that our employees can work together on several different types of assignment also means that we can optimize Prevas' own operations for increased profitability and growth. It also means that we will continue to invest, not only in our people, but also in our sustainability work.

In order to be successful in the long term, profitability must be at a level that creates opportunities for development. To ensure this, we have meticulous methods for financial monitoring and planning.

Guidelines & Policies

We have an organization-wide management system that includes quality, the environment and work environment processes.

Some of our guidelines and policies:


We are certified according to ISO 9001:2015. Our offices in Sundbyberg (Stockholm), Uppsala and Copenhagen are also certified according to ISO 13485:2016.

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Since the beginning in 1985, we’ve joined with our customers in solving tens of thousands of problems – and in most industries.

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Helena Lundin

Communication & Information manager

Tel +46 70 608 75 55


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