Increased growth, access to Finland and a new key acquisition in Denmark.
Prevas reports increased sales in the third quarter, but with a lower margin, primarily due to lower utilization rates and market challenges in Finland. Sales in the third quarter increased by 13 percent to 351.9 MSEK (311.4).
We delivered an EBITA of 26.5 MSEK (31.8) and an EBITA margin of 7.5 percent (10.2). Earnings were weaker than expected at the beginning of the quarter but strengthened in September. The quarter contained one working day more than the third quarter last year, but because it fell during the holiday period, the effect was limited. The market was challenging during the quarter, with shifting demand between different customer segments. During the quarter, we continued to both accelerate and slow down – in some regions with weak demand, we reduced the number of employees to secure our margins, while recruiting and growing in regions with good demand. Through measures taken and continued price increases during the quarter, we have created a good position to increase earnings in the event of normalized utilization.
Magnus Welén, CEO
To read the word from the CEO in full, see interim report page 4-5. Pdf, 3.4 MB.
Prevas' interim report for the third quarter of 2024 will be available at and is attached to this press release.
Presentation of Prevas’ interim report for the third quarter of 2024
Friday, Octobre 25 at 09.30 press and analyst presentation will be held which can be followed via webcast ( and through tele conference +46 8 4468 2488 then use Meeting ID: 847 0524 8382.
The presentation is given in English by Magnus Welén (CEO) and Helena Burström (CFO) from Prevas AB.
No pre-registration is required.
This interim report has been prepared in Swedish and translated into English. In the event of any discrepancies between the Swedish original and the translation, the Swedish shall have precedence.
Archive news
Interim report pdf