With 30 years of experience from project and product development in life science, Prevas has built a strong reputation as a skilled partner in the development of medical technology products. The company is now implementing a dedicated investment in life science.
The life science industry is rapidly developing, and here as well, the digitalization trend is clear and Prevas’ expertise has become increasingly in demand. Prevas already has market-leading solutions and services for the development of medical devices and diagnostics, as well as for automated production of pharmaceuticals and instruments.
Prevas’ clients include both larger, established companies such as GE HealthCare, Novo Nordisk, Alere, Baxter Gambro, HemoCue, Nobel Biocare and Maquet Critical Care, as well as several smaller companies, including QuickCool, Kontigo Care, Zenicor and Exseed Health.
“We’re making a focused investment in life science with an expanded assortment of services, as well as market coverage with the goal of achieving increased sales in the immediate future,” says Björn Andersson, product development solution manager at Prevas AB. “Life science already accounts for about 20 percent of Prevas sales.”
eHealth and mHealth are rapidly growing areas in which Prevas is involved in several projects with its clients. These can be, for example, work with various products and services that help consumers to conduct their own diagnoses. The services are supported by connected instruments, analysis of user data and cloud storage. Digitalization provides the technical capabilities at the same time as people are showing greater interest in monitoring their health themselves. The increasingly stringent demands from government agencies entail tougher demands on product development, including apps and software. With its experience in life science, Prevas helps clients all the way from development to certification of their products and services.
Prevas Center of Excellence in Life Science has a staff of 150 engineers and other specialists. The company’s Stockholm office in Sundbyberg is certified in compliance with ISO13485. The company can also provide consultants and consulting services in validation and quality management, both for R&D and production, with expert knowledge in GMP, GAMP, IVDR, MDR and ISO13485. This gives Prevas the right prerequisites for driving development of medical technical products.
A few of Prevas’ reference assignments in life science are described at