Prevas has developed PIMS, standing for Process Information Management System, and functioning as a “black box”, a data acquisition function accompanying every turbine on its way out.
Assignment: PIMS, data acquisition.
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery is an innovative turbine maker. Siemens deliver from 50 to 100 units a year to customers throughout the world and have developed a number of models in power increments from 5 to 50 MW.
Suddenly we know what’s going on!
A turbine installation requires service and maintenance. For this reason, Prevas has developed software for analysis and remote supervision of the turbines so that Siemens’ service engineers get easy access to service data from the customers’ installations, and so they then are able to take appropriate preventive action to reduce wear and prolong service life.
“Prevas’ PIMS, a system from Prevas that contributes to making Siemens’ turbines both greener and longer living and stands for Process Information Management System, is a data acquisition function accompanying every turbine on its way to the customer”, says Tommy Andersson at Prevas.
Siemens calls the PIMS core its ‘Data Collector’ and has made it a part of its turbine control system. From previously having performed preventive maintenance of the turbines according to a time schedule, the customers are now able collect service data on a continuous basis and so able to identify trends and upcoming service problems ahead of time, before they have a chance to cause stoppages. The economic benefits of this are great. Common practice was previously for service engineers to pay a visit to an installation, connect up and then investigate its state of health. This created a lot of travelling.
The customers demanded better tools for analysis in order to reach higher levels of reliability and availability. The customers wanted state-based maintenance and answers to regular questions such as: “How is my installation at this point in time? Do we have to perform preventive maintenance right now or can we wait until the current cold spell is over?”
When the competition stiffens, Siemens wants the capability to collect measurement data from their installations and statistically find out how the internal material is stressed in different running modes and, on the basis of this, develop an experience bank and a comprehensive statistical knowledge base. In addition, by enabling analysis of the resulting emissions of different running modes in real time, the sustainability efforts are greatly facilitated. Consequently, data must be collected from all the sensors in customers’ installations, compressed without loss of valuable information and sent to Siemens’ offices at regular intervals for evaluation. Since the collecting software resides in more than 500 installations, it must be of the highest quality.
There are many interested parties to the system. Engineers need its data to design new turbines. The Service Department wants to develop new business opportunities and new offerings. Technical Support staff, receiving service requests from customers, need it as supplements to those requests. These latter people are then able to connect up remotely to the customer’s installation or look up stored service data for the installation involved. The customer, in his turn, gets access to service data through an interface which Siemens provides under the name CMS for Condition Monitoring System.
Through PIMS, Prevas’ customers are able to look into their operating processes and identify problems that were impossible to spot previously. The reaction when the system occasionally is down is often: “Now, we are totally blind!” Production engineers now view PIMS as an absolute necessity. “Suddenly we know what’s going on!”
Do you want to know more about this project or find out what Prevas can do for you, please contact us.
Sebastian Johansson, e-mail
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