Concentrated and easy-to-digest information in a handbook for all who are interested in electronics.
Smartare Elektronikhandboken is the result of a project in Vinnova’s strategic innovation program, Smartare Elektroniksystem. The program has three designated focus areas with the value chain being one. The handbook has been developed to increase quality and efficiency in the interface between the development and production of electronics, and all involved. Developers, designers, product owners, manufacturers, buyers and more all benefit from the accumulated knowledge and experience that can be found in the handbook. A large number of companies have made a very committed contribution to the handbook and it has truly been an extremely fun and rewarding project. This second version of the handbook is a revised and supplemented version of the first handbook, published in the autumn of 2017. Among other things, we have delved further into the areas of DfX (Design for Excellence) and reliability.
A part of DfX is DfC Design for Compliance, i.e. design for compliance with applicable regulations. An area that is especially close to my heart. Getting a product to meet the requirements of the applicable regulations can be an expensive part of electronics design if it is the last step in a development project. There is a major risk with this approach that the product will not meet all the requirements and that the test lab will send the product back for modifications. If you do not meet the requirements, you may not put the product on the market, so it is absolutely fundamental to find the optimal approach. This means starting as early as possible in the development project, compiling the requirements and working with DfC in parallel throughout the project.
Here are some excerpts on this topic from the handbook:
Design process
When all requirements are known and development can start, how should one think in order to realize the product in the best possible way?
There are obviously substantial differences in the degree of difficulty and complexity depending on the product’s application area and how technically advanced the design is. High-tech, safety-critical or medical technology products have very comprehensive requirements and the task of meeting all regulatory requirements is a large part of a product development project. However, certain basic processes are the same:
Technical issues that often affect EMC
Sometimes the legal requirements are not enough
In order to be able to put a product on the market, all the set requirements must be met. But it is worth keeping in mind that the legal aspects are not always enough for the product to be functional. Additionally, you must always take into account the environment and the functional requirements placed on a specific product. A good example of this is the EMC requirements for an embedded product with built-in radio communications. It is not uncommon in such case to be able to meet the legal requirements set for EMC, but that the built-in radio functions poorly due to disturbances in the product .
The entire handbook, including its appendices and templates, can be downloaded free of charge from Smartare Elektroniksystem and the industry association Svensk Elektronik’s website. Svensk Elektronik also arranges courses in the handbook.
Thanks to Magnus Svensson ( ) program manager at Smartare Elektroniksystem and Mats Andersson who has been the process manager for the handbook.
Last but not least, a warm thank you to the companies that have contributed with their experience, knowledge and considerable commitment:
Atlas Copco AB, EK Power Solutions AB, Eskilstuna Elektronikpartner AB, Frikab AB, Inission AB, Mycronic AB, NCAB Group Sweden AB, Note AB, Orbit One AB, Prevas AB, RISE IVF AB, Trimble AB, Veoneer AB and ÅF Digital Solutions AB.
Have any questions? Feel free to get in touch!
//Maria Månsson
Director, Innovation and Research
As well as board member of Smartare Elektroniksystem and chairman of Värdekedjarådet.
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Maria Månsson
Director, innovation and research & Site Manager Hammarby Sjöstad, Prevas AB
Tel +46 70 864 43 99