Uddeholm, the world's leading manufacturer of tool steel for industrial tools, has commissioned Prevas to implement new MES (Manufacturing Execution System*) for three production sections at its Hagfors plant. The new systems will optimize Uddeholm's operations and future-proof the company's operational processes, which is crucial to maintaining competitiveness in a rapidly evolving industry.
The MES solution that Prevas is building and implementing in 2024, can among other things, manage starts and stops better, facilitate detailed planning of production and is an important part of the integration with other systems. It enables future optimizations and expansions, which contributes to future-proofing Uddeholm's operations and working environment for operators. At the same time, it offers a more user-centered and modern technology than the factory's previous systems.
“We are delighted by this demonstration of trust from Uddeholm,” says Johan Lindqvist, Consultant Manager at Prevas. “It's an assignment that is of great importance for us, but also for the region and for the Swedish export industry in which Uddeholm is an important player.”
With its broad experience from the steel industry, Prevas is contributing with both knowledge of the enterprise and an understanding of industry-specific challenges and needs. One challenge during start-up of the project has been to ensure sufficient resources to deliver the system in a timely manner and meet all operational requirements.
“We use modern system development libraries and standardized building blocks from the software industry, while building and coding unique business logic that is adapted to Uddeholm's processes,” says Johan Lindqvist. “To ensure a robust and efficient solution, we've also integrated components, architecture and concepts from other successful systems.”
Prevas has assembled a skilled delivery team with extensive collective experience and specialist knowledge in various fields. To ensure effective implementation, the team works in close cooperation with Uddeholm and continuously adds new requirements based on user experiences. They place major importance on ensuring that the system design and user experience meet the actual needs of the operators. UX experts at Prevas are also involved and conducting extensive interviews and analyses of working methods, flows and environmental considerations to ensure that the system is as user-friendly and efficient as possible.
Prevas' strength in a large project like this is its inhouse breadth of resources and expertise.
“To effectively manage the assignment for Uddeholm, we have mustered our strength and organized two geographically distributed project teams — one in Karlstad and one in Malmö,” says Johan Lindqvist. “This enables the efficient use of resources and skills as well as smooth coordination between project teams to achieve the best possible results. We’ll deliver a solution that not only meets Uddeholm's needs as they are today, but also prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the future.”
*) Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is a comprehensive system for controlling and monitoring production processes.
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